Barrow Cemetery Dig - Day 5
Added on 05 September 2019
Steve gave a site tour first thing this morning before digging commenced. Then the rain came, so a quick retreat to the garage (site tent) for a quick cuppa while we waited for the shower to pass.
The excavation now is full steam ahead and the diggers are still enthusiastic, getting into a rhythm in their respective trenches. The excavator machines moved tons of soil from each trench, but the diggers were not satisfied and have been extracting even more tonnage. The trenches are looking better day by day with each cleaning back showing more features.
Today Trench 1 warriors were moved to into Trench 3 to give them some relief and put to task to gather up the excess of soil left by the machine operators. Trench 1 ground conditions have been exceptionally hard so trench 3 was light relief by comparison.
A small group of people have been getting their heads around the recording process of the site recording forms of contexts, finds, photos, etc, which is very important task. The comment from one person of the group was “it required much concentration and a logical mind, Steve is an excellent teacher and its good to see an orderly process coming to fruition”.
Trench 2A
Trench 3
Trench 1