by Eric Grant and James McComas - 11:27 on 15 July 2024
In early May 2024 we undertook some limited excavation at Tarradale to see if we could identify a distillery site shown on the 1788 Estate map
by Eric Grant - 20:56 on 21 May 2024
In 2017 the Tarradale Through Time project excavated a shell midden (known as site 2B) located on a raised beach terrace at the foot of a palaeo-cliff  about 150 m south-east of Tarradale House.  In September to October 2023 the site was revisited by the Tarradale Archaeological Team in order to continue the earlier investigation.
by James McComas - 10:42 on 09 April 2021
Recently the 25 minute video of the 2019 Barrow Cemetery Excavation was released
by Eric Grant, James McComas - 10:58 on 02 December 2020
TARRADALE THROUGH TIME is delighted to announce that we are on the shortlist for the Current Archaeology magazine research project of the year. This is great recognition for all the effort and support from the many people that been involved with TARRADALE THROUGH TIME. It is your opportunity to vote for us and to get as many of your friends and colleagues to vote for us as well.
by Eric Grant - 16:51 on 08 March 2020
Previously we outlined some of the results of last autumn’s excavation of the Pictish barrow cemetery in a field near Tarradale House. The discoveries were dramatic – uncovering some of the largest Pictish graves in Scotland what appears to be one of the most extensive Pictish cemeteries in Scotland. The dark outline of an almost totally decayed skeleton in an equally decayed log coffin created a great deal of interest from the public interest as well as from archaeologists.
by Eric Grant - 20:01 on 26 September 2019
The last day of the dig was scheduled to be Sunday 15 September, but there was so much going on that we decided to carry on for a few more days with Thursday 19 September being the last day for tidying up on site and any last-minute drawing and recording.
by Anne Coombs and Jonie Guest - 07:20 on 18 September 2019
As the 3rd planned excavation of Tarradale Through Time comes to an end we are starting to see the exciting and complex picture of the sites we have excavated.  There will be so much consideration of everything we have found and what it means but thankfully that won’t be my job.
by James McComas - 21:24 on 15 September 2019
Sunday was Day 16 and we are now into extra time with lots of features still to be investigated across the 3 trenches of our large site. The planned dig end was Saturday, which also our open day. In the event we had over 100 visitors despite the rather unpleasant weather conditions. On Sunday Andy Hickie was back with his drone and produced this spectacular 3D panorama:
by Anne Coombs - 20:59 on 10 September 2019
Day 11  After a long weekend when the cleaning was completed and sections for more exploration were chosen we began to dig out the fill of several ditches.
by Jonie Guest - 21:58 on 09 September 2019
The Tower, The Drone or the Plane?  All three have been used for photography on the TTT site. Which would you prefer? I know which I do!
by Anne Coombs - 18:04 on 06 September 2019
Day 6 Today a simple site report as we are finishing the first clean back and lots of photos and tomorrow we begin to get down to the nitty gritty of excavation. One student found his first post hole which is always a cause for celebration but generally today it was quiet satisfaction of a job progressing nicely.
by Jonie Guest - 18:54 on 05 September 2019
The excavation now is full steam ahead and the diggers are still enthusiastic, getting into a rhythm in their respective trenches. 
by Anne Coombs - 07:52 on 04 September 2019
In Trench 1 it was just hard work with very stony ground and very indistinct features.  T1 is on the higher ground and over the years has been more subject to movement of soil downhill.  Today the features finally became more defined and all the hard work of the T1 warriors was rewarded.
by Anne Coombs - 23:52 on 01 September 2019
Three days of preparation last week with a few very tempting patterns in the soil, lovely weather and we were ready to go.
by James McComas - 09:43 on 17 August 2019
To whet your whistle for the 2019 dig, here is our newly edited video of last year's excavations at Gilchrist promontory fort and Balvattie enclosed settlement.
by Anne Coombs - 19:48 on 15 June 2019
TTT has been very quiet recently however we have been busy behind the scenes.  We have been commissioning post excavation analysis of the finds and samples taken last year. 
by Eric Grant - 11:22 on 19 May 2019
by Eric Grant - 11:32 on 12 March 2019
In September 2018 two sites were investigated by TARRADALE THROUGH TIME, a fortified enclosure just west of Gilchrist church and a rather enigmatic and possibly ritual site south of Gilchrist church, but located on Balvattie Farm.
by Eric Grant - 14:04 on 10 October 2018
This article, originally published in Muir Matters, includes the latest C14 carbon dating results from our 2017 Mesolithic shell midden excavations. It also features photographs of the antler finds following conservation.
by James McComas - 09:01 on 23 September 2018
Our September 2018 Dig at Gilchrist Promontory Fort and Balvattie has now finished. Lachlan of HAS has been making daily videos which give a good flavour of progress on site. Here they all are, plus a few extra shot by Jonie and myself for good measure!
by Eric Grant - 13:32 on 22 August 2018
Recent archaeological discoveries on the Black Isle are rewriting the early prehistory of northern Scotland.
by Eric Grant and Anne Coombs - 18:26 on 12 August 2018
Although one of the main aims of the TARRADALE THROUGH TIME archaeological project is trying to find the traces of people who lived in the Tarradale area thousands of years ago, it is also interested in our more recent ancestors.
by James McComas - 14:49 on 12 May 2018
Well done to Lachlan and Anne who recently spent the day working with Mulbuie Primary 5 - 7 class on behalf of Tarradale Through Time. It sounds like it was both fun and educational with a range of exciting activities!
by Anne Coombs - 10:43 on 08 April 2018
We have completed 4 days of clearance of the Tarradale abandoned settlement over the last month removing dead bracken and whins from the buildings.  On the 7th April we begin the planning. 
by Anne Coombs - 13:52 on 17 February 2018
In preparation for the planning of the 1788 Tarradale settlement we have already done a couple of recces through the undergrowth.  The site lies within a wooded landscape which according to the map was all cultivated ground in 1788.
by John Wombell - 11:08 on 25 November 2017
Looking in more detail at where the sea rose to at the time of what is called the ‘maximum transgression’ thought to be around 7,000 BC or possibly later. 
by John Wombell - 20:25 on 28 October 2017
Since the end of the dig 2 weeks ago some of our followers may wonder why NOSAS volunteers are still busy washing and sorting what added up to about two and a quarter tonnes of shell midden material.
by Eric Grant - 19:21 on 15 October 2017
Talk by Eric Grant on Tarradale Through Time at the Highland Archaeological Conference 2017
by Jonie Guest - 22:20 on 09 October 2017
The Highs and Lows of a ‘Runner’: Dry/wet sieved soil, emptied buckets, picked up leaves in the trenches, logged finds found, equipment transporter, 4x4 support driver, photographer, video person, pot washer, toilet cleaner, sweeper and floor washer, tidier of gate house, shopper and metal detectorist.
by Anji Hancock - 21:41 on 05 October 2017
I haven't been on many archaeology digs but I suppose it's to be expected when you tell someone what you're doing they invariably ask - What did you find? or Did you find anything?
by James McComas - 16:11 on 01 October 2017
Day 8 was not only the Dig Open Day with over 100 visitors but it was also a great day for Mesolithic progress in Trench 2B with two antler finds.
by Pat Haynes - 18:29 on 29 September 2017
My role on this dig is to try and interpret visually what we find in the ground or more frequently so far on this site what we don’t find.
by Karen Clarke - 00:22 on 29 September 2017
We are halfway through the first week of the excavation with an excellent turnout of 20 of us on site overseen by Cathy and Lynn of AOC.
by Freda - 12:01 on 25 September 2017
Today was my 2nd day at the excavation at the Tarradale having previous never picked up a trowel before.
by Anne Coombs - 17:36 on 13 September 2017
What a lovely Launch Day we all had at Muir Hub on Saturday
by Anne Coombs - 23:14 on 04 September 2017
The Tarradale Through Time team has had a hectic few weeks but at last we are ready to begin our archaeological adventure.
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